News & Events


EU VOICES SEMINAR: A Falling Giant – The Difficult Position of Germany in the European Union

Jakob Lempp

Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: From Silk Road to Belt and Road: Changing Relations between China and Europe

Wei Shen

Zhejiang University, China


EU VOICES SEMINAR: Belgium, the Country of Permanent Compromise, a Laboratory for Europe?

Jean-Michel De Waele

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The EU and Palestine: Destined Disillusionment or Potential Remedy? A Palestinian Perspective

Lily Habash

Senior Post-Conflict Governance Expert

Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-16 May 2024
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Call of Papers for the International Conference "The Future of European Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Democracy Ahead of the 2024 EP Elections". The above mentioned International Conferece is co-organized by the University of Turin (Double Degree Master Programme "European Studies") together with the University of Thessaloniki and the Centre d'Etude de la Vie Politique (CEVIPOL) Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Venue: Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-16 May 2024. Abstract submission deadline: 20 February 2024 (Thursday), 24:00h CET. For further information: please visit the official website at the link "Join the Event"

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR EUROPEAN INTEGRATION: The EU AI Act and Its Impact on the Global Race for the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

Event co-organized by Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence - Artificial Intelligence for European Integration & Region Europe

Rostam J. Neuwirth

University of Macau, China


EU VOICES SEMINAR: The EU as a Food Global Power between Food Security and Food Sustainability

Marco Valletta

European Commission

Room Einaudi 2
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The Ghost Partners: Turkey-EU Relations into the 21st Century

Aylin Güney

Yasar University, Turkey

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Orbiting the EU?: The Cases of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland

Lee McGowan

University of Belfast, UK


EU VOICES SEMINAR: "Je t’aime, moi non plus”. Forty Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece

Ioannis Papageorgiou  

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: India-EU Relations in a Changing World. A View from India

Ummu Salma Bava                 

Jawaharlal Nehru University, India                       


EU VOICES SEMINAR: “Zeitenwende” - The New Role of Germany in the European Union

Jakob Lempp 

Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Perception of Europe in Iran: How to Make Europe Relevant Again?

Abdolrasool Divsallar

UN Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva


EU VOICES SEMINAR: From Neutrality to NATO: Finland’s Changing Place in Europe

Tapio Raunio

Tampere University, Finland

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Kosovo and the EU Up Close: Everyday Practices of State Healing

Ramadan Ilazi

Head of Research, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS); Former Deputy Minister for European Integration of Kosovo


EU VOICES SEMINAR: Defending Press Freedom in the EU Beyond the European Single Market: A 20-years Struggle

Giovanni Melogli

Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European University Institute, Belgium/Italy

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Redefining Europe-Africa Relations: Bridging the Colonial Chasm

Simon P. A. Handy

Executive Director, Handy Concept for Connecting People (HCCP Global Think Tank), Brussels

Aula Magna
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EUROPE IN THE WORLD LECTURE: The EU in Times of Geopolitics

Joaquín Almunia

Sciences Po, Paris; Former Vice President of the European Commission

Aula Magna
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OPENING LECTURE: Democracy at Home and Abroad. Contested Democracy and European Foreign Policy

Rosa Balfour

Director, Carnegie Europe, Brussels

Call for Papers: The Russian War in Ukraine

The Russian War in Ukraine Call for Papers of "De Europa. European and Global Studies Journal" Deadline: 10 May 2023 The Russian War in Ukraine Issue n. 1/2024 De Europa with Guest editors Mara Morini (DISPI – Università di Genova), Lara Piccardo (DISPI – Università di Genova) The Russian invasion of Ukraine took European and world public opinion by surprise. After the conflict in the former Yugoslavia (1991-2001), a new war broke out in Europe, taking on different connotations – economic, values and political – which have in common Russia’s challenge to the global order. The date of 22 February 2022 marks an epochal change in the nature of relations among States, in the return of nationalisms, in the East-West confrontation, in the crisis of the international order and, above all, it underlines how superficial it is to echo the “end of history”. In the light of these dynamics, the editors call for proposals for articles which, through a historical-political analysis of the strategic and geopolitical decisions of the actors involved, can be inserted into the following lines of research: 1) the causes of the conflict with a particular attention to the historical origins of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine; 2) the objectives of the various parties involved between revisionist politics and defense of the status quo; 3) the possible war resolution scenarios. The monographic issue aims to frame the Russian-Ukrainian conflict theoretically and historically within analytical dimensions consolidated in the scientific literature, which allow the study of the phenomenon to be addressed diachronically and in a comparative perspective. The complete papers (5.000-7.000 words, in English or in Italian) will go under double-blind peer review before publication. Information about editorial rules, that must be strictly respected, can be found here:
Campus Luigi Einaudi, Aula 6 Palazzina Einaudi
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A vent'anni dal Trattato di adesione, la posizione dei Paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale nell’UE e il conflitto russo-ucraino

Convegno organizzato in occasione della Festa dell'Europa da Università di Torino – Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Centro TOEu, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, corso di laurea in Scienze internazionali, dello sviluppo e della cooperazione e corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze internazionali, Biblioteca Norberto Bobbio - Sezione Europea Gianni Merlini, Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet Artificial Intelligence for European Integration, SUISS, IUSE, Europe Direct - Centro di documentazione dell'istituto universitario di Studi europei, Fondazione Filippo Burzio, Comando per la Formazione e Scuola di Applicazione dell’Esercito, Centro Studi sul Federalismo Il convegno sarà l’occasione per ricordare il professor Umberto Morelli, storico delle relazioni internazionali e dell’integrazione europea

Indirizzi di saluto

Stefano Montaldo | Università degli Studi di Torino, Presidente della Sezione europea Gianni Merlini –Biblioteca Bobbio

Marinella Belluati | Università degli Studi di Torino, Presidente di TO-EU Centro Studi sull'Europa delDipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società

Massimo Gaudina | Commissione europea - DG Ricerca e Innovazione

Un ricordo del professor Umberto Morelli, storico delle relazioni internazionali edell’integrazione europea

Paolo Caraffini | Università degli Studi di Torino


Paolo Caraffini e Stefano Montaldo | Università degli Studi di Torino


Lara Piccardo | Università degli Studi di Genova

Vent’anni di allargamento ad Est e le relazioni dell’UEcon l’Ucraina

Nicoletta Pirozzi | Istituto affari internazionali

Le prospettive della politica estera e di difesa europea a un anno dall’aggressione russa dell’Ucraina

Roberta Ricucci | Università degli Studi di Torino

Dall'Europa occidentale a quella orientale: ridefinire il discorso sulla mobilità delle persone nell'UE

Campus Luigi Einaudi, Sala Lauree Blu
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European Security after the War in Ukraine

A Symposium in partnership between T.wai (Torino World Affairs institute) and LSE IDEAS, in cooperation with the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin


Anna Caffarena, T.wai and University of Turin
Vlad Zigarov, LSE
Stefano Ruzza, T.wai and University of Turin


Christopher Coker, LSE
Adrian Pabst, University of Kent
Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, Catholic University of Milan


Mats Berdal, King's College London
Marco Clementi, University of Pavia
Alessandra Russo, University of Trento


Giuseppe Gabusi, T.wai and University of Turin
Gabriele Natalizia, University of Rome Sapienza
Iver Neumann, LSE and NUPI

Campus Luigi Einaudi, Aula E4
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Tecnologie emergenti e persona umana: il codice dei codici, la Bibbia, in soccorso di chi crea il codice?

Organizzato nell'ambito del progetto ai4ei - Artificial Intelligence for European Integration - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence - Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società

Lecturer Don Luca Peyron

Presiede Paolo Caraffini

Campus Luigi Einaudi, Aula B1
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Intelligenza artificiale per l'integrazione europea

Seminario organizzato nell'ambito del corso "Comunicare l'Europa"

Modera: Marinella Belluati, Università di Torino


Fabio Malagnino, Fondazione Italia Digitale

Silvia Pochettino, ImpactSkills SRL

Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino - Seminar Room 3D233
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Media, democracy and participation in the EU

Presentation of the Special Issue of "De Europa. European and Global Studies Journal" on Media, democracy and participation in the EU, organized by De Europa and the University of Torino

EU VOICES SEMINAR: A New Role for Germany in the EU? The Policy of the Scholz Government

Jakob Lempp

Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Ukraine's EU Integration: Perspectives and Scenarios for a Long Way Home

Victoria Vdovychenko

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine


EU VOICES SEMINAR: A Hybrid Regime in the European Union: the Rise of Authoritarianism in Hungary in the Shadow of War

András Bozóki

Central European University, Hungary

Aula Magna
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EU VOICES SEMINAR: Informing About the EU: Challenges and Consequences

Marco Bresolin

EU Correspondent in Brussels, Newspaper "La Stampa"


EU VOICES SEMINAR: Health and the EU: Moving Towards a European Health Union

EU VOICES SEMINAR: Health and the EU: Moving Towards a European Health Union. Speaker: Michele Calabrò, Director, European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)

Michele Calabrò

Director, European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Scotland’s Future Relationship with the EU: Perspectives from a Reluctant Outsider

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Scotland’s Future Relationship with the EU: Perspectives from a Reluctant Outsider. Speaker: Stephen Gethins, University of St Andrews, UK

Stephen Gethins,

University of St Andrews, UK


EU VOICES SEMINAR: "Je t'aime, moi non plus". Forty Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece

EU VOICES SEMINAR: "Je t'aime, moi non plus". Forty Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece. Speaker: Ioannis Papageorgiou, University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Ioannis Papageorgiou

University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Room Einaudi 4
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: EU-Israel: Quo Vadis?. Speaker: Sharon Pardo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Sharon Pardo

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The Ghost Partners: Turkey-EU Relations into the 21st Century

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The Ghost Partners: Turkey-EU Relations into the 21st Century. Speaker: Aylin Güney, Yasar University, Turkey

Aylin Güney

Yasar University, Turkey

Aula Magna
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OPENING LECTURE: Europe’s Coming of Age: The EU in the New Geopolitical Context

OPENING LECTURE: Europe’s Coming of Age: The EU in the New Geopolitical Context. Speaker: Loukas Tsoukalis Emeritus, University of Athens; Sciences Po, Paris

Loukas Tsoukalis

Emeritus, University of Athens; Sciences Po, Paris

Aula Magna
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINARS: North Macedonia and the EU: A Difficult Past and an Uncertain Future

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINARS: North Macedonia and the EU: A Difficult Past and an Uncertain Future. Speaker: Simonida Kacarska Director, European Policy Institute, North Macedonia

Simonida Kacarska

Director, European Policy Institute, North Macedonia

Applications for the 2022 edition are now open.
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Region Europe 2022 is coming soon! 10 October - 18 November 2022

On Webex and Facebook
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L'Europa, le Nazioni Unite e il futuro del multilateralismo

L’umanità si trova di fronte ad urgenti sfide globali come il mutamento climatico, le epidemie globali e il problema della guerra e della pace, che oggi vede riproporsi il rischio di un conflitto aperto tra grandi potenze. La crisi in Ucraina conferma che, nel quadro di un ordine internazionale in transizione e di marcate tendenze multipolari, è imperativo che il multilateralismo ed il sistema ONU vengano sostenuti e rivitalizzati affinchè assumano un ruolo centrale nella politica internazionale. L’Unione europea, per la sua natura, la sua storia ed il suo tradizionale impegno a favore del multilateralismo, è chiamata a lavorare per sostenere e rivitalizzare il sistema ONU, rendendolo più legittimo ed efficace. Il seminario muove dalla proposta Renewing Multilateralism in an Age of Great Powers avanzata dall’Università di Torino quale contributo alla Conferenza sul Futuro dell’Europa, e discute dello stato del multilateralismo alla luce della crisi in Ucraina, e del ruolo dell’UE nel sostenerlo e rilanciarlo. 🔔L'evento si svolgerà online sulla piattaforma Webex e in diretta facebook venerdì 18 marzo dalle 16.30 alle 18🔔


Giovanni Finizio Direttore di Region Europe - Docente di Politica Estera dell'UE, Università degli Studi di Torino

INTERVIENE: Amb. Silvio Gonzato Vicecapo Delegazione dell'Unione Europea alle Nazioni Unite

Region Europe is deeply saddened by the loss of the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli

We would like to remember him through the words of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. "Today is a sad day for Europe. Our Union loses a passionate European, a sincere democrat and a good man. David Sassoli was a man of deep faith and strong convictions. Everyone loved his smile and his kindness, yet he knew how to fight for what he believed in. In 1989, he was in Berlin, among the young Europeans when the Wall came down. And ever since, he has stood on the side of democracy and of a united Europe. In over a decade of service in the European Parliament, he constantly defended our Union and its values. But he also believed that Europe had to strive for more. He wanted Europe to be more united, closer to its people, more faithful to our values. That is his legacy. And that is how I will remember him. As a champion of justice and solidarity, and a dear friend."

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Africa-EU Relations: African Perspectives

Region Europe 2021 closes with a special Europe from Outside Seminar “Africa-EU Relations: African Perspectives”. The discussion will be held by Maurizio Carbone, Jean Monnet Professor of International Relations and Development, University of Glasgow; Guia Migani, Professor of Contemporary History, Université de Tours; Ottilia Anna Maunganidze, Head of Special Projects, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria; Charles Mutasa, Independent Development Policy Consultant; Jide Okeke, Coordinator of the Regional Programme for Africa, UNDP. When: 14 December 2021, from 11.15 AM to 1.45 PM, CET

Maurizio Carbone, Jean Monnet Professor of International Relations and Development, University of Glasgow;

Guia Migani, Professor of Contemporary History, Université de Tours;

Ottilia Anna Maunganidze, Head of Special Projects, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria;

Charles Mutasa, Independent Development Policy Consultant;

Jide Okeke, Coordinator of the Regional Programme for Africa, UNDP

Room B1 and also on Webex
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Japan-EU Civilian Power Cooperation in a Changing Global Order

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: Japan-EU Civilian Power Cooperation in a Changing Global Order Speaker: Hidetoshi Nakamura, from Waseda University, Japan

Hidetoshi Nakamura, Waseda University, Japan

Room A1 and also on Webex
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: “They Pretend to Want Us in, and We Pretend to Reform”: The image of the EU in the Western Balkans

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR “They pretend to want us in, and we pretend to reform”:The image of the EU in the Western Balkans Speaker: Jovan Teokarevic, from the University of Belgrade in Serbia

Jovan Teokarevic, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Room A1 and also on Webex
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EU VOICES SEMINAR: The EU Seen from a Post-Merkel Germany

EU VOICES SEMINAR: The EU Seen from a Post-Merkel Germany Speaker: Jakob Lempp, from Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Jakob  Lempp,

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Room C1 and on Webex
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EU VOICES SEMINAR: An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union

EU VOICES SEMINAR: An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union. Speaker: András Bozóki, Professor at the Central European University, Hungary

András Bozóki, Professor at the Central European University, Hungary

Room B1 and also on Webex
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: India and the European Union: Towards Greater Convergence?

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR :India and the European Union: Towards Greater Convergence? Speaker: Rajendra Jain, Jean Monnet Chair, Former Professor and Chairman, Centre for European Studies School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Rajendra Jain, Jean Monnet Chair, Former Professor and Chairman, Centre for European Studies School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Room D5 and on Webex
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EU VOICES SEMINAR: Newsropa. Why the EU is Losing the Battle of Communication

EU VOICES SEMINAR: Newsropa. Why the EU is Losing the Battle of Communication Speaker: Marco Zatterin, Vice-Director of Italian Newspaper “La Stampa”

Marco Zatterin, Vice-Director of Italian Newspaper “LaStampa”


EU VOICES SEMINAR: "Je t’aime, moi non plus” 40 Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece

EU VOICES SEMINAR "Je t’aime, moi non plus” 40 Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece Giannis Papageorgiou University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Giannis Papageorgiou

University of Thessaloniki, Greece


EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The US' view of the EU: Transatlantic Politics of Optics or Substance?

EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The US' view of the EU: Transatlantic Politics of Optics or Substance? Markus Thiel Florida International University, USA

Markus Thiel

Florida International University, USA 

Aula Magna and on Webex
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OPENING LECTURE: How to Make Europe a People’s Project?

Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor in EU Law, HEC Paris; Permanent Visiting Professor, University of Tokyo and College of Europe, Bruges

Room A1 and on Webex
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Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Room D1 and on Webex
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EUROPE FROM OUTSIDE SEMINAR: The EU and Palestine, Destined Disillusionment or Potential Remedy?

Lily Habash, Governance and International Relations Expert

Online on WEBEX and FACEBOOK
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Resisting Europe? Re-framing EU-MENA Relations after the 2011 Arab Uprisings

Over 25 years have flown by since the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) was launched in 1995 as a forward-thinking foreign policy which would strengthen ties between Europe and the Mediterranean Arab states. Since that time, however, translating the initial ambitions into positive, successful policy has proved quite problematic. The Arab uprisings that started in early 2011 confronted the EU with the limitation of its long-standing structural foreign policy towards the Mediterranean region and the Middle East, as well with its limitations when sudden crises and violent conflicts arise. As a consequence, a growing reflection on the relaunch of the strategic partnership between the EU and its Southern Neighbourhood partners is underway both in the academia and the EU circles and Institutions. In this context, in February 2021 the European Commission and the High Representative adopted a joint communication proposing a new Agenda for the Mediterranean. The 4th Region Europe’s EU Next Talks Seminar discusses the successes and failures of more than 25 years of Euro-Mediterranean partnership, its current trends and how to rethink it. To this aim, the Seminar draws on the book Resisting Europe. Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East (University of Michigan Press 2020), involving its Editors, Raffaella A. Del Sarto and Simone Tholens, in dialogue with Ambassador Fernando Gentilini, Managing Director for Middle East and North Africa of the European External Actions Service

Rosita Di Peri
Professor of Politics, Institutions and Cultures of the Middle East,University of Turin

Giovanni Finizio
Professor of EU Foreign Policy and Director of Region Europe, Universityof Turin


Raffaella A. Del Sarto
Professor of Middle East Studies, John Hopkins School of AdvancedInternational Studies – SAIS Europe

Fernando Gentilini
Managing Director for Middle East and North Africa, European ExternalAction Service

Simone Tholens
Professor of International Relations, Cardiff University

Online on Webex and Facebook
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L'interesse nazionale in una prospettiva europea. Il futuro dell’Europa e il ruolo dell'Italia

L’Unione Europea si trova in un momento cruciale della propria storia. Le crisi multiple che l’hanno colpita – la crisi economica e finanziaria, la crisi dei rifugiati, e la pandemia di Covid19 – hanno messo in luce le attuali debolezze della sua costruzione, provocando profonde divisioni tra i suoi membri e alimentando venti sovranisti e populisti in tutto il continente. Anche grazie agli impulsi della nuova Commissione, l’Unione sembra però aver colto la sfida di perseguire un proprio rilancio, con il varo del Next Generation EU e della Conferenza sul Futuro dell’Europa. L’Italia, tra i paesi maggiormente colpiti da queste crisi, esprime una politica estera tradizionalmente europeista, ma è scossa dalla forte pressione di forze sovraniste. In questo contesto italiano ed europeo, il terzo seminario del ciclo EU Next Talks di Region Europe propone una riflessione su quale sia la relazione tra il futuro dell’Europa e l’interesse nazionale dell’Italia; su quale sia il contributo che il paese, membro fondatore dell’UE, possa e debba portare al rafforzamento interno ed esterno dell’Unione; su quali siano, infine, le aspettative in Europa circa il ruolo europeo dell’Italia e circa il suo contributo ad un’Europa più forte.
Saluti istituzionali

Franca Roncarolo
Direttrice del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università di Torino

Introduce e modera

Giovanni Finizio
Direttore di Region Europe; Docente di Politica Estera dell'UE, Università di Torino


Enrico Letta
Segretario del Partito Democratico

Tonia Mastrobuoni
Corrispondente dalla Germania per«La Repubblica»

Antonio Tajani
Vice-Presidente e Coordinatore di Forza Italia; Vice-Presidente del Partito Popolare Europeo

Nathalie Tocci
Direttrice dell'Istituto Affari Internazionali

online on Webex and Facebook
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L'Unione Europea e la governance del cibo, tra globale e locale

Il cibo è al centro di relazioni di potere e di rivendicazioni di sovranità cruciali per gli equilibri globali e per la vita di miliardi di persone. Al tempo stesso sono rari gli esempi di governance dei sistemi del cibo giusta ed efficace, né esiste una politica del cibo di scala europea. Il secondo seminario della serie EU Next Talks di Region Europe discute il ruolo dell’Europa, la più grande potenza agroalimentare del globo e il più importante mercato commerciale esistente, nel sistema agroalimentare globale; l’impatto dell’UE nei processi locali e globali legati al cibo; la necessità di costruire una vera politica del cibo europea funzionale alla costruzione di un sistema di governance del cibo giusto ed inclusivo dal locale al globale, a beneficio dei cittadini europei e di tutto il mondo. Il seminario prende le mosse dal libro "Cibo sovrano. Le guerre alimentari globali al tempo del virus" del Vice-Direttore della FAO e già Ministro delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Maurizio Martina, che parteciperà all’evento.

Elisa Bignante
Docente di Geografia dello Sviluppo, Università di Torino


Egidio Dansero
Vice-Rettore per la Sostenibilità e la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo; Docente di Geografia Politica ed Economica, Università di Torino

Giovanni Finizio
Direttore di Region Europe; Docente di Politica Estera dell'Unione Europea, Università di Torino


Maurizio Martina
Vice-Direttore della FAO; già Ministro delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali

Carla Montesi
Director, DG International Partnerships - Directorate Green Deal and Digital Agenda, Commissione Europea

Giuliana Laschi
Docente di Storia dell'Integrazione Europea, Università di Bologna

Gianluca Brunori
Docente di Food Policy, Università di Pisa

online on Webex
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Dopo Cotonou. Un nuovo corso per le relazioni tra UE e Africa?

Dopo due anni di difficili negoziati, nel dicembre 2020 l’UE e l’Organizzazione dei paesi di Africa, Caraibi e Pacifico (OACPS) hanno raggiunto un accordo politico su una nuova partnership che sostituisca l’Accordo di Cotonou del 2000, e regoli le loro relazioni per i prossimi 20 anni. L’accordo promette di aiutare l’UE e i 79 paesi partner ad affrontare nuove esigenze e sfide globali quali la pandemia di COVID-19, i cambiamenti climatici, la governance degli oceani, la migrazione, lo sviluppo, la pace e la sicurezza. Il primo seminario della serie EU Next Talks di Region Europe discuterà le priorità dell’UE e dei paesi partner portate ai negoziati, le novità dell’Accordo e il loro impatto sulle relazioni tra UE e Africa, alla luce della parallela discussione di una strategia comprensiva dell’Unione con l’intero continente.

Giuseppe Gabusi

T.wai- Torino World Affairs Institute; Docente di International Political Economy, Università di Torino


Giovanni Finizio

Direttore di Region Europe; Docente di Politica Estera dell'UE, Università di Torino


Maurizio Carbone

Jean Monnet Professor of International Relations and Development, University of Glasgow

Domenico Rosa

Head of the Task Force on Post Cotonou, Commissione Europea

Pierfrancesco Majorino

Eurodeputato, Commissione per lo Sviluppo del Parlamento Europeo

Valerio Bini

Mani Tese; Docente di Geografia dello Sviluppo, Università di Milano

Elena Vallino

Docente di Economia dello Sviluppo, Politecnico di Torino


Britain and the EU in the World after Brexit

Join us for the closing lecture of this edition, to discuss about Britain and the EU in the World after Brexit

Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe; King's College, UK.


Europe from the Outside and the China-Africa Connection

The lecture will explore China’s expanding economic activities in Africa in the context of the EU’s relations with China and Africa. The EU has developed policy frameworks involving China and Africa. This includes engaging China on African issues through the joint EU-China Strategic Partnership (2003) and engaging Africa on Chinese issues through the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (2007). The lecture will provide critical perspectives on the dynamics of this trilateral engagement.

Garth Le Pere, University of Pretoria, South Africa


From Role Model to Economic Partner? The Image of the European Union in Member Nations of the Pacific Alliance

When the Pacific Alliance was established, it was the first regional group that deviated from the general landscape of Latin American integration because it did not follow the institutional model of the EU and its evolutionary stages. What are the exogenous and endogenous factors that explain that change? Join us to address this and more issues

Rita Giacalone, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

Civil Society Power and Engagement with EU Development Policy

The lecture will explore how European civil society organisations (CSOs) influence EU development cooperation policy. It will present examples of the key policies, targets, and tactics development CSOs focus on in their influencing. The lecture will demonstrate that despite facing a number of challenges, civil society in this sector has the power to influence EU development policy and contributes to the democracy of the EU institutions

Céline Mias, Director, CARE International’s EU Office; Vice-President, Concord Europe


An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union

The lecture will discuss three broad issues: The types of democratic backsliding, the characteristics of hybrid regimes, and particularly, the curious role of the non-democratic Orbán regime in the European Union. First it discusses routes of de-democratization from traditional breakdown of democracy to hollowing out democratic institutions from inside. Secondly, it covers the social and political characteristics odf the emerging grey zone between liberal democracy and full authoritarianism, that we can call by using the umbrella concept, "hybrid regimes". The novelty of hybrid regimes is the "uneven playing field" which means that governing and opposition parties competing within a vastly unequal ground, and the governing party uses illegal means to maintain its power. This is not new globally, in comparative politics, but it is new within the European Union, which is supposedly based upon countries that share the same values of liberal democracy. Viktor Orbán's successful attempt for the destruction of Hungarian democracy therefore has a larger meaning and significance: It can have a major impact on the EU either positive or negative ways. In the final part of the lecture the ambiguous role of the EU is investigated, to measure its constraining, enabling and legitimizing functions vis-a-vis a politically deviant member state.

András Bozóki, Central European University, Hungary


The Belarus Crisis, Implications for the EU and Its Neighbourhood

Belarus is living through the most dramatic political crisis in its post-Soviet history, which has thrown the country's future into the unknown. While the Belarusian strongman Aliaksandr Lukashenka is facing the biggest challenge to his 26-year long authoritarian rule, he continues to control the government and is not likely to step down under the pressure of the mass protests. Hence, in all likelihood Belarus is set for a long-term political confrontation, which will have serious implications for the EU and regional security in Eastern Europe. In particular, the Belarus crisis puts to the test the EU's diplomatic ability to manage crises in its Eastern neighbourhood and poses numerous questions as to its broader geopolitical relevance.

Yauheni Preiherman, Director, Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations, Belarus


European Union, Normative Power and Planetary Politics

The lecture will reflect on the past and future of the EU and it’s normative power in planetary politics, where ‘planetary politics’ are characterised by truly planetary relations of causality that can only be understood and addressed holistically. The three decades of European union, 1990-2020 have seen the increasing interdependence of planetary economy, society, ecology, conflict, and politics leading to the realisation of the growing symbiotic relationships between humans and the rest of the planet. Within this context, it is argued that normative power, as empowering actions in concert for the planetary good, provides a means of thinking about a future that addresses the planetary organic crisis rather than simply reacts to growing international competition

Ian Manners, University of Copenaghen, Denmark


Internal, External Norms and China-EU Normative Engagement

Norms for states could be differentiated into an internal-external dichotomy. While internal norms define what is regarded as appropriate behavior of nation states in domestic governance, external norms define that in the international sphere. China and the EU are different international actors. In terms of internal and external norms, their normative power resources, their efforts on norm diffusion, and their normative influence in the international arena, all constitute a big contrast. Their normative divergence is more evident and severe on internal norms, with human rights and sovereignty most remarkable, than on external norms, such as China’s multipolarity versus the EU’s multilateralism. Despite the fact that the normative dimension has been increasingly irritating in China-EU relations, their normative engagement has some positive impacts on the making of China-EU strategic partnership

Pan Zhongqi, Fudan University, China


The EU, Trade Unions and the European Job Market Challenges: the European Trade Union Confederation Perspective

What is the role and relevance of the EU for trade unions, and how it interacts with the European Trade Union Confederation? What are the contemporary challenges in the job market for the EU? Luca Visentini, General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation, guest of Region Europe's EU Voices Seminars will address these and more issues during his lecture.

General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation


Sustainable Development: A Paradigm Shift for the Future of Europe and Its International Role

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, has given a new impetus to global efforts to achieve sustainable development. The EU has been a leader in drafting and implementing the SDGs and has fully committed itself to delivering on the 2030 Agenda. Can sustainable development be a paradigm shift for the EU, its identity and its international role? And can the EU become a global leader in this respect?

Enrico Giovannini, Spokesman, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development; Former Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policies


Can Germany Make the EU Strong Again?

Eric Bonse, Political Journalist and Senior Eu Correspondent in Brussel will be our guest in the second EU Voices Seminar "Can Germany Make the EU Strong Again?" : how is the EU perceived by Germany, and what is its relevance for it today? Is Germany willing to lead the advancement of European integration and what are the prospects after the next national elections? What is the debate on European integration within the country, and what role do mass media play in it?

Eric Bonse, Political Scientist and Journalist, Senior EU Correspondent in Brussels


Observing the EU from Southeast Asia: Perspectives from ASEAN Countries

The European Union (EU) and the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are two longest operating regional institutions in the word nowadays. The two, however, have had divergent paths of regional integration. ASEAN countries have perceived the EU as inspirations but they have no intention to duplicate the institution design as well as the political, economic and social-cultural arrangements. ASEAN closely watches the EU’s development and dynamics, including-among others- the painful phenomenon of Brexit, the EU economic integration and the promotion of EU normative powers. How ASEAN countries perceive developments and problems in the EU and EU as an international actor? What are their positions on those issues? Because of their internal diversities, ASEAN countries generally have no single perceptions to any issues, including those related to the EU.

Evi Fitriani, Universitas Indonesia.


"Je t’aime, moi non plus”. 40 Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece

Our honored guest prof. Giannis Papageorgiou in his lecture is going to identify from a historical and political aspects the evolution of the relationship between Greece and the EU. Starting from Greece’s accession to the EEC in 1981, the lecture looks into the main points of concurrence and friction between the two sides, misunderstandings and misconceptions as well as mutual benefits. The seminar will delve in the main areas of discrepancies in recent years, in particular the Eurozone crisis and its impact on Greece as well as the implications of the migration crisis of 2015-6. Finally it makes an attempt to predict the impact of the covid-related EU developments for Greece and its participation in the EU

Giannis Papageorgiou, University of Thessaloniki, Greece


What Do Russians Think of the EU as a Partner and as a Role Model?

"How did the Russian attitude to Europe changed after the end of the Cold war? Why is the European identity still important to Russians? Is there a path to a Russian-European reconciliation?" Join us to discuss these and other aspects of EU-Russian relations with our honoured guest dr Andrey Kortunov, Director General, Russian International Affairs Council in the second Europe from Outside Seminar of this 2020 edition, "What Do Russians Think of the EU as a Partner and as a Role Model? "

Andrey Kortunov, Director General, Russian International Affairs Council


(North) Macedonia's EU Integration Path: Is 2020 the Breakthrough Year?

Why is (North) Macedonia EU's longest standing candidate? What does the EU signify for the macedonian public? What are the prospects for the Western Balkans' EU integration? These are some of the questions our guest speaker Simonida Kacarska, Director, European Policy Institute, North Macedonia, will address in the First Europe from Outside Seminar of this edition: "(North) Macedonia's EU Integration Path: Is 2020 the Breakthrough Year?"

Simonida Kacarska, Director, European Policy Institute, North Macedonia


The Prospects of European Integration after Covid-19

"Why is European integration a stop-and-go process? What are the main decision linked to the Covid-19 pandemic with regards to European integration? What are the prospects for European integration in the middle-term?" These are some of the questions Professor Castaldi, (Director, EurActive Italy;eCampus University) will address during the Opening Lecture of this year's edition of Region Europe: "The Prospects of European Integration after Covid 19"

Professor Castaldi, Director, EurActiv Italy; eCampus University.

Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale, Via Verdi 9, Turin; Online, • Conference Number: 121 078 2526 • Password: iHiMvS2NM69 • Mobile Access: +39 0230410 440 Call-in toll number (Italy) • Access Code: 121 078 2526
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Artifical Intelligence for European Integration

AI4EI si costituisce intorno a un gruppo multidisciplinare di esperti allo scopo di coordinare una ricerca e avviare un’attività di dibattito e confronto circa l’impatto dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA) sull’integrazione europea (EI). In particolare,intende riflettere sui problemi sollevati dall’IA rispetto ai valori europei, volgendo in chiave positiva le conseguenze che l’IA ha sull’integrazione europea riguardo alla natura della democrazia, allo stato di diritto, all’ etica e ai diritti umani, senza trascurare gli effetti sul multilinguismo, sull’ informazione, sulla comunicazione politica e sulla cyberdefence. La conferenza si terrà sia in presenza che online.

Umberto Morelli \ University of Turin - In charge of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Guido Boella \ University of Turin - Head of Computer Science Department

Massimo Gaudina \ Head of Representation in Milan, European Commission

Natural and artificial intelligence for the future of Europe

Matteo Fornara \European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Interinstitutional, International Relations and Outreach

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence

9:30 - Panels presentations

Marinella Belluati, Cristopher Cepernich, Massimo Durante, Giovanni Finizio, Corrado Malandrino, Umberto Morelli, Rachele Raus

University of Turin and University of Eastern Piedmont

10:50 - Keynote Speaker - Ciro Cattuto \ University of Turin

Data Science in Society: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges

11:10 - Discussion I discussant - Viviana Patti

11:30 - Keynote Speaker - Ivana Bartoletti \ Technical Director - Privacy, Deloitte Co-Founder, Women Leading in AI Network

AI: Innovation or Amplification of Inequalities?

11:50 - Discussion I discussants - Marinella Belluati, Mia Caielli

12:10 - Keynote Speaker - Laurent Romary\ INRIA, Centre March Bloch (Berlin), ISO

Gestion des contenus multilingues et normalisation à l’aune de l’Intelligence artificielle

12.30 - Discussion I discussants - Rachele Raus, Micaela Rossi, Maria Teresa Zanola

14:30 - Keynote Speaker - Giuseppe Cannatà \ Capitano di Vascello - Capo Ufficio CERT del Comando per le Operazioni in Rete

La cyberdefence nel Dominio Militare

14:50 - Discussion I discussant - Umberto Morelli

15:10 - Keynote Speaker - Erica Palmerini \ Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa

Artificial Intelligence and Law: Regulatory Challenges

15:30 - Discussion I discussants - Andrea Cofelice, Giovanni Finizio

15:50 - Keynote Speaker - Ugo Pagallo \ University of Turin

Legal and Ethical Issues of AI in the era of Big Data

16:10 - Discussion I discussants - Massimo Durante, Giovanni Ferrero

16:30 - Keynote Speaker - Serena Quattrocolo \ Università del Piemonte Orientale

AI, Rule of Law and Democracy: New Scenarios Ahead?

16:50 - Discussion I discussants - Giorgio Barberis, Stefano Quirico, Giuseppe Sciara

Room Einaudi 4
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China’s Global Rise and the Impact on the Existing World Order - Rethinking for Europe

Li Xing, Alboorg University, Denmark

Room Einaudi 4
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Far Away Friends: Australia’s European Entanglements in a Time of Global Flux

Nicholas Farrelly, Australian National University

Campus Luigi Einaudi
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Europe from Outside Seminars

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 2 PM (Room Einaudi 4)

Russia and the EU: Is It Possible to Combine Cooperation and Containment?

Nikolay Kaveshnikov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 2 PM (Room Einaudi 4)

Far Away Friends: Australia’s European Entanglements in a Time of Global Flux

Nicholas Farrelly, Australian National University, Australia

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 2 PM (Room Einaudi 6)

Looking at Transatlantic Relations in a Critical Perspective

Markus Thiel, Florida International University, USA

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 2 PM (Room Einaudi 5)

Can the EU Help Solve the Palestine-Israeli Confl ict?

Lily Habash, Governance and International Relations Expert, OPT

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 2 PM (Room Einaudi 4)

China’s Global Rise and the Impact on the Existing World Order - Rethinking for Europe

Li Xing, Alboorg University, Denmark

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 2 PM (Room Einaudi 5)

Attraction and Resistance: Israel and the European Union

Sharon Pardo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100; Room Einaudi 4
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Russia and the EU: Is It Possible to Combine Cooperation and Containment?

Nikolay Kaveshnikov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale (Via Verdi 9 Torino)
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Region Europe 2019 Opening Lecture: What Can We Expect? Human Rights, Democracy, and the EU in 2030

Gerald Knaus,Founding Chairman, European Stability Initiative

Fondazione Luigi Einaudi – Torino
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International Workshop on Regional Multilateralism in a Disintegrating World Order

Global Trends

Chair: Francesco Tuccari; Speakers: Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, Luigi R. Einaudi, Mario Telò

Some Regional approaches, 1

Chair: Matthew Evangelista; Speakers: Umberto Morelli, Sandra Honoré

Some Regional approaches, 2

Chair: Matthew Evangelista; Speakers: Giovanni Finizio,Serena Giusti, Giuseppe Gabusi, Marina Calculli

What can we conclude?

Discussion coordinated by Maurizio Molinari with: Pier Virgilio Dastoli, Viviana Mazza, Ugo Panizza, Fabio Armao, other participants and the public.

Campus Luigi Einaudi - Lungo Dora Siena 100, Torino
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The EU and ASEAN: Real Partners or Summit Friends?

Keynote Speaker:

Mark Gallagher (European External Action Service)


Giuseppe Gabusi (University of Torino & T.wai)


Giovanni Finizio (University of Torino)

Nicola Casarini (IAI)

Room D5 and on Webex
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EUROPE IN THE WORLD LECTURE: The Dragon -Slayer, the Panda- Hugger and the Strategist: Europe and the Great Powers

Sven Biscop, Director, Egmont Institute, Brussels

Edition 2024 runs from 16 October to 22 November.